The Young Zoologists’ Association of Sri Lanka (YZA) is a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary youth organization based at the National Zoological Gardens at Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. The core value of the organization is to protect and conserve the environment by making a conscious effort in educating the community in Sri Lanka. Conservation for nature and wildlife through awareness programs is a priority for the organization. YZA organizes many events to alert the community of the importance of nature through general lectures, workshops and exhibitions. We have published publications in both Sinhala and English mediums including the international journal “Sri Lanka Naturalist”.

- Founder of YZA Sri Lanka
Mr. Lyn De Alwis
the world renowned academic and nature lover, founded the Young Zoologists Association of Sri Lanka in 1972. He was the Director of National Zoological Gardens at that time.
In order to fulfill a large void of enthusiastic youth, armed with extensive knowledge on principles and applications of environment sciences to act as conservationists, the organization was formed.
Since the establishment of YZA, the organization has become the first institution for many leading Environmentalists and Naturalists of the country. The close relationship with the Zoo Management gives the strength and opportunity to study the animals more closely and their behaviours.
Today the Association consists of an active membership exceeding 600 dynamic individuals every year. Their commitment and knowledge is unparalleled in the field.
“What given me great satisfaction of pride, is to see a group of young people working together, with dedication and continuing effort towards a common cause; in protecting our natural wealth. An institution charged with the responsible of educating the public in nature conservation. It was this fertile ground on which the seed was planted that enabled the “tree” of flourish bears the fruit we see today.
To me the nature world is sacred as a study in a religion. Our Wildlife, National Parks, Sanctuaries are not commodities, they are natural inhabitants shared by living organisms of the planet Earth.”
YZA conducts educational programs every Sunday. Every member participates one of the main groups of study; Aquatic Life, Birds, Butterfly, Flora, Mammals, and Reptiles. Structured courses are conducted for the membership and examinations held annually to ascertain effectiveness. The members get the opportunity to study in supplementary classes of Wildlife Photography and Wildlife Art. The newly formed Amphibians Group has become popular among the YZA members as well. Apart from the formal courses; General Lectures, Workshops and Seminars on various spheres related to conservation are conducted. A heavy emphasis is also laid on field activities.
Our Vision
Conservation Through Education.