- Future in the Making
The Junior YZA was formed in 1999, it has being successful in seeding the conservation concepts from an early age.
The Junior YZA is a stepping stone for the youngsters to understand the value of nature.
They get to study on flora and fauna (especially Sri Lankan) with field visits, where their interest is mostly focused to conserve the natural habitats.
Anybody who wishes to join can send in their application if they fall under the age groups of 6-13.
Classes are conducted on Saturdays twice a month (dates are announced),
which includes wildlife art classes too, where the kids can contribute to conservation through their talents and creativity.
The junior section of YZA publishes a magazine named “Kadiya”. This magazine illustrates the talents of the kids going way wild. They publish their articles, arts, crafts and different fun loving puzzles of learning about the animals and plants in Sri Lanka, also giving a glimpse through internationally.